(Health) Weekly News Round-Up

Posted by Hieu Tran at 6:13 PM

Go get sucked down a blog rabbithole with all of the “pit to distress” posts of late, on obstetric providers who allegedly push pitocin on laboring women in an attempt to make the fetus “prove” itself – by coming out vaginally or forcing a c-section for fetal distress. Start with Unnecesarean, Keyboard Revolutionary, and NursingBirth. Those starting points also include links to various other posts on the topic. Relatedly, RealityRounds has written a guide for nurses to refusing physician orders.

PhD in Parenting is talking about drinking while breastfeeding.

Abortion Pill Study Suggests Way to Limit Infection – from the New York Times, on reducing infection associated with medical abortion by avoiding the off-label vaginal administration and providing antibiotics. As the piece notes, and as I wrote about some time ago, Planned Parenthood changed their protocol to avoid vaginal administration and add an antibiotic after a few deaths a few years ago in which route of administration was suspected as potentially associated. A new study in the New England Journal of Medicine reviews infection rates since the protocol change and finds significant reductions in the already small rate of serious infection with the new protocol.

The FDA is planning to warn doctors about potential interactions between tamoxifen (commonly prescribed for breast cancer) and antidepressants, as women on both may be more likely to have their cancer return (see this piece in the Wall Street Journal). DoubleX has a first-person account from a breast cancer survivor about her experience and learning of this potential interaction. As a search of the American Cancer Society site reveals, researchers have been asking preliminary questions about a potential interaction since at least 2003, and again in 2005.

RH Reality Check is talking crisis pregnancy centers, and giving birth in chains.

Sweet Machine at Shapely Prose points to an AskMen.com advice column on subtly telling a woman she’s getting fat, which reads like a manual for emotional manipulation and abuse.

Renee has lots of good links as usual. Among them, this post on gendered food. I can’t tell you how many times waitstaff have tried to give me the (male) spouse’s salad.

And also, this post on a children’s book from 1970 with some seriously outdated and head-exploding gender stereotypes. I kind of hope this is some kind of hoax, but I’m afraid to look.

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Posted in Abortion, Abuse, Rape, & Safety, Access, Rights, & Choice, Birth, Body Image & Eating Disorders, Boobs, Breastfeeding, Cancer, Drugs, Infectious Diseases, Mental health, Miscellaneous, Pregnancy
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Tags (health, health issue, health news, health care, medicine, medical innovation, health problem)